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My History


My dad and his family were masons and witches. My mother was a Christian.  My mom was abused, drugged and gaslighted into compliance. Both are dead now.  I was conditioned and abused by my father, his family and subsequent handlers throughout my life.


My abuse began at my birth.  At 3 weeks old my father and his parents drown me almost to death in a vat of blood in a cave at midnight in a Satanic Ritual giving me to Satan.  Then began my journey of abuse and interaction with the supernatural…




and GOD.


As a toddler my father conditioned me.  As a young child the SRA took place at my dad’s parents’ farm.   Because my father had been in the military and MKU trained, the MKU and sexual abuse took place by him in our home basement.  Unlimited access. As I got older, I was tested for IQ, aptitude, etc.  He then brought in a CIA handler for further programming and training.


I was sent to a training camp.  That progressed into me being trained/abused to be a sex slave, perform snuff on stage, be raped on film, to be a killer for snuff films, and also to be a courier/spy/assassin.  As a child and preteen I was trafficked to 3 mob clubs in Milwaukee, homes of wealthy people in Milwaukee, Chicago theaters to perform snuff films on stage, more snuff on stage in Canada for the Queen, trafficked to Camp David with Nixon, to the White House and Finland with Gerald Ford, The Mission Inn in California, Camp Pendleton in California with John C Lilly, and then MKU by John C Lilly to completely submerge all of my abuse.  Because once it was discovered my mother was divorcing my dad, they would have limited access to me and had to repress the political sex trafficking and violence they had done for all those years.  Their cash cow was not going be available any more.


My mom divorced my dad when I was 11.  We moved to Iowa near her parents.  Throughout my teen years my CIA handler kept track of me.   He arranged for handlers and more SRA by the locals.  He updated my MKU programming there in different locations at different times.  I was steered into the Army because of his handling of me and certain events.  My sisters had been my handlers from a very early age, and by 18 years old they trafficked me to people at 2 different concerts. 


At 18 I joined the Army thinking I was escaping, however, I was SRA abused by the military officers there in Germany, made to be a courier and to kill for them in rituals, then an SRA ritual at Himmler’s Castle where I was a sex slave and killer again.  They sent me to my next post, the very same place my father was stationed decades earlier, Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas.  There was an underground base there where I was MKUed and also raped by a chimeras. (A result of gain of function technology and decades of experimental research carried on by the military, information about which is now coming to light.) 


After that I went home to Milwaukee.  I got into the New Age to include crystal and Reiki healing arts and various other things.  There, my boss/handler MKUed me for astral projection to manipulate and blackmail people.  She also set me up for more SRA by the grandchildren of the very mob boss that owned the clubs where I was trafficked to as a child.  I left for Texas on short notice to escape it and could not get back home for a couple of years.  There was a brief reprieve, until the New Age handler followed and accessed me again and I was raped by a Buddhist guru there.


Throughout my life in all locations I was accessed, at my food service and retail management jobs as a courier for about 20 years.  I also was used as an assassin 4 times along the way.


I moved 10 times in 10 years to escape those locations, completely amnesiac, thinking all the while I was just trying somewhere different.  Finally, I met my husband at 39 and it stopped.  We married when I was 45 and the SRA memories began to trickle in after he baptized me at 57 years old.



So here I am.

With tools to remember and heal.

I am not the same person I was 1 year ago.

I am stronger, more confident, with a spiritual certainty I’ve never had before…

and excited for the future!

I have 500+ parts, with all of their

experience and knowledge within me,

completely co-conscious.


I (we)

want to share what has worked

for me (us).

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